
Hey hey! My name is Cat, and I’m just a gal on a gap year.

I decided to leave university last November, about midway through my junior year. In a word, I was burnt out — so much so physically and mentally that I couldn’t really tell where and when it all began. This blog sort of serves as an experimental space; I write about whatever comes to mind, and any (non)adventures of the year. If I keep up with it, wonderful. If not, so be it.

Before I really knew what an Americano was, somewhere in Italia

A couple things about me: I’m from the boring ‘burbs of Massachusetts. Not much to say here besides that it’s a place lost in suburbia, where you’ll find a Dunkin’ Donuts lurking at every corner.

I love to run. I like bumble bees and nature. People have impersonated me before and this is it: “Hi, I’m Cat & I like running, the environment, and formatting!” Imagine that in a friendly voice and you have a caricature of me. I also like to bake (namely pies), follow vegan drama on Youtube, read (anything but sci-fi, but stuff on biochemistry, plants, historical fiction), and drink coffee. I realize I’ve become very crunchy in the past five years.

I can’t say exactly where I’m going, but I can say that I’m interested in Chemistry and Chinese Language & Culture. Ideally, I’d like to study the intersection of the two; of healing through Traditional Chinese Medicine through a biochemical perspective. We’ll see where that takes me.

In the meantime, I’ll be sipping my coffee, probably running, and trying to live up to my own crunchy aspirations.